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Algorithm Changes and SEO: How do you keep up?

Picture of Renee

By Renee

11th October 2023

Staying up to date with the constantly evolving search engine algorithm can be a full time job in itself. However, finding success with your SEO strategy requires keeping your finger on the pulse of these changes. So how does anyone do it? 

Person frustrated at computer

Google frequently updates their algorithms in the name of enhancing the user experience. As more and more content floods the search engine results page (SERP), Google wants to ensure the delivery of relevant and high quality results. 

Learn more about how to ensure your content is considered high quality by Google:

So how do you keep your finger on the pulse of these algorithm changes? 

Here are a few tips to help you stay informed about changing algorithms and adapt your SEO strategies accordingly:

1. Regularly Follow Reputable SEO Blogs and Websites

Keep an eye on authoritative SEO blogs and websites that provide reliable updates on search engine algorithm changes. Websites like:

  2. Search Engine Land (they have an entire landing page dedicated to Google algorithm updates)
  3. Neil Patel's blog often publish articles discussing recent updates, algorithm tweaks, and their potential impacts on SEO strategies. 

2. Subscribe to Industry Newsletters

Subscribe to newsletters from trusted SEO and digital marketing sources. These newsletters often provide summarized insights, updates, and recommendations directly to your inbox, helping you stay informed without extensive research. Check out the three below. 

  1. SEOFOMO Newsletter
  2. Wix's Searchlight SEO Newsletter
  3. Moz SEO Newsletter 

3. Join SEO Communities and Forums

Participate in SEO-focused communities, forums, or groups. Platforms like Reddit, LinkedIn groups, or specialized SEO forums allow professionals to discuss updates, share experiences, and provide insights on how to adapt to new algorithm changes.

Our company director's LinkedIn is a great spot for educational SEO and SEM videos, we post new videos every week!

4. Engage with Google's Official Communications

Follow Google's official blogs and social media channels where they often announce major updates or changes to their algorithms. Understanding these updates directly from the source ensures you're getting accurate and timely information.

5. Attend Webinars and Online Seminars

Webinars and online seminars hosted by SEO experts and industry leaders can provide easy to digest insights into algorithm changes and their implications. 

They often provide practical strategies to adapt to these changes and maintain effective SEO practices. These are also a great opportunity to start building connections with experts.

You can sign up for our FREE, SEO webinar here. We host them monthly, so it's never too late to sign up. 

6. Continuously Monitor Your Website's Performance

Utilize tools like Google Analytics (GA4) and Google Search Console to monitor your website's performance regularly. Sudden drops or increases in traffic, rankings, or click-through rates can indicate algorithmic changes affecting your site. Analyse these changes and adjust your strategies accordingly.

If you aren't sure how to interpret the data, you can always reach out to an expert for an audit.

7. Adaptability and Continuous Learning

SEO is an ever-evolving field, it will quite literally never stop changing. 

Cultivate a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability. Stay curious, explore new trends, and experiment with various SEO strategies to find what works best for your specific industry and target audience.

Adapting to changing algorithms is an essential aspect of a successful SEO strategy. 

By staying informed, being proactive, and maintaining a flexible approach to your SEO efforts, or trusting an expert, you can navigate algorithm updates and ensure your website continues to perform well in search rankings. 

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